Ausschreibung Jobs und Karrierevents

Student Assistant for Website, Social Media Management & Marketing Activities wanted

The Institute of Science, Technology and Policy at ETH is currently looking for a Student Assistant for Website, Social Media Management & Marketing Activities. You can find the job ad here. The […]

Ausschreibung Jobs und Karrierevents

Rootlinks: Become a changemaker for sustainability

Have you always wanted to make an active contribution to sustainability? Get creative working in an interdisciplinary team while improving, among other skills, your systems and design thinking? Then you […]

Ausschreibung Jobs und Karrierevents

4th Annual Open Innovation in Life Sciences

DEADLINE EXTENDED [SEPT 10] & 25% REGISTRATION DISCOUNT: Submit your abstract for a science or innovation pitch/poster at the #OILS21 Conference Dear PhD students, Postdocs, and Aspiring Scientists, If you have missed […]

Ausschreibung Jobs und Karrierevents

Treasury board wanted!

The VeBiS board is still searching for a motivated person to take over the treasury position. A board position is a perfect mix of honing your organisational skills and applying your […]

Ausschreibung Jobs und Karrierevents

ProbandInnen für Masterarbeit gesucht

E-Mail: alexandros.guekos@balgrist.chTel: +41 44 510 73 52