We are pleased to announce the kick off to the2023 edition of the Dandelion Entrepreneurship Awards, the first recognition to professors for their outstanding efforts to promote entrepreneurship at ETH […]
Dandelion Entrepreneurship Awards 2023

We are pleased to announce the kick off to the2023 edition of the Dandelion Entrepreneurship Awards, the first recognition to professors for their outstanding efforts to promote entrepreneurship at ETH […]
Having a good start at a new university is key for studying successfully. The Check-in ETH Online Event is the ETH onboarding and orientation event for Master’s students who did […]
Endlich: Die neuen VeBiS-Socken im Bienen-Hewette Design sind da! Hol dir dein Paar für 10.- an den nächsten Veranstaltungen oder schreibe an sponsoring[ ät ]vebis.ch für einen individuellen Termin. Finally: […]
iGEM Lunch Lecture: Excursions into Synthetic Biology and Endometriosis Das diesjährige iGEM UZurich Team lädt Sie herzlich zur Auftaktveranstaltung der iGEM Lounge Lecture Reihe ein. In dieser Vorlesungsreihe wird es […]
Nachdem sich das Semester nun dem Ende zuneigt, laden wir Dich am 30. Mai von 17:00 – 20:00 herzlich ein, Dich Deinen Mitstudierenden, Professoren und Dozenten aus dem Bereich Biologie […]