Are you almost finished with your Masters, PhD or PostDoc and are looking for a job in the Life Science industry? Then we are pleased to invite you to the […]
Thesis Project
Defining organellar metabolites using next-generation CRISPR screens Maintaining metabolic homeostasis is a fundamental necessity for all living organisms. In humans slight deviations in metabolite concentrations can be disastrous resulting in […]
February nanoTalks: Materials for Healthcare
The February nanoTalks take us on a trip to the newest materials to support our health. Learn how Biomaterials improve the healing process after a heart attack or how personalized, […]
Semester Project/ Master Thesis
Assessing the well-being of laboratory rodents in behavioral experiments Contact Person: Newsha Ghasemi Nejadgnewsha@ethz.chIrchel Campus Y17-L70Winterthurerstrasse 1908057 Zurich
Have you always wanted to make an active contribution to sustainability? Work in an interdisciplinary team while improving your skills? Then you are the perfect match for rootlinks! rootlinks is […]