We are happy to announce that the next party is just around the corner. The event will be sports themed. Hence the name “Partylympics“. ⛸🛹⛷🧘🏽♀🏊🏼♀🏄🏼Dress up for your favorite sports!! 🏓🥊⚽🏈🏒🎾
On friday 12th May, 9:00 pm we will welcome you at Universitätstrasse 6 (CAB building), Zürich. Pre-sale tickets are out now!!! https://eventfrog.ch/de/p/party/studentenparty/partylympics-vseth-spring-party-7050926744044217542.html
And if you want to have a free entrance and don’t mind helping us a little during the evening, we would appreciate if you sign up on the helper sheet:) https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1C26Y8-kM7q1DT5kjLdufkFIB69Si7amy/edit?usp=share_link&ouid=104255520019314444374&rtpof=true&sd=true
PS: go all in with your costume, the best outfits get a prize!🥇🏆