On Monday, April 4th VeBiS and AIV organize a Tichu tournament from 6 – 11 pm in HXE B1!
Tichu is a swiss card game that includes elements of Bridge, Daihinmin, and Poker played between two teams of two players each.
Sign up: https://forms.gle/jQhdZvc6MwZTdPmA8
You can sign up as a team or alone (in the latter case we will match you with someone else).
The sign up is open for VeBiS members (AIV members)
Beginners are welcome, there will be a crash course from 5 – 6 pm.
There will be hotdogs and beverages (first hotdog & beverage for free for registered participants which are VeBiS or AIV members).
Signed up participants will get an email with the specific rules etc. on Sunday before the event.
For questions write to julia.faehnrich[at]vebis.ch.