The Association of Biology Students at ETH Zurich (VeBiS), founded in 2004, is a subordinate to the Association of Students at ETH (VSETH) and is the organized and elected representative of the currently over 500 biology students at ETH Zurich.
Among our tasks is to support biology students in their studies in various ways. We represent you to the Department of Biology (D-BIOL) and ETH (via VSETH), organize social events and exam preparation courses and publish our subject magazine, the Biotikum.
From wild parties, sweet Christmas promotions and monthly get-togethers in the Lochness student bar to small “goodies” and access to summaries from older students, we do everything we can to add some color to everyday student life at ETH.
Last but not least, VeBiS ensures that information and experiences are exchanged between students. This includes, among other things, publishing to the homepage, sending newsletters and attending various information events.

Are you studying biology at ETH and want to be one of our members? You can become a VSETH and therefore also a VeBiS member via mystudies and benefit from numerous advantages!